Introduction - Creating the exhibition

On display in the permanent gallery is Montego Bay to the World!: an exhibition that portrays the history of western Jamaica, in particular, of the people that settled and shaped the area of Montego Bay. It is curated using artefacts, historic images and audio-visual material to narrate the roles played by local communities in the dramatic changes that the region has undergone, and that led Montego Bay to become the island’s main tourist destination.

Assured that you the viewer (especially Montegonians and Cornwallians) will be inspired by our displays, Montego Bay to the World!, provides you the visitor to record and share noteworthy memories of the region, curious tales and anecdotes of your own. Share, so we can in turn add and share them with others. Also let us know what kind of exhibits you’d like to see.

Our Sponsors:

  • Tourism Enhancement Fund

  • Institute of Jamaica

  • Montego Bay Cultural Centre

  • Chase Fund Jamaica